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Training Course on Monitoring and Evaluation for Governance (Decentralization and Local Governance)

By: Datastat Research Center


02 - 06 Sep, 2024  5 days

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USD 1,000

Venue: Nairobi, Kenya

This is a professional development workshop that seeks to provide the participants with useful knowledge required to develop effective frameworks for monitoring, evaluating, and implementing development plans, programs, budges, and projects. 

The course targets Government officials and Development advisors that design, implement, and manage sector plans, programs, budgets, and projects. These include program staff who monitor and govern projects, program managers, practitioners who work in government agencies and civil society organizations, involved with M&E, as well as individuals interested in M&E.

Duration: 5 days.

Course Objectives

  1. Gain knowledge on the role that M&E plays in the improvement of project and program management, and in policy decision making.
  2. Define Theory of Change and Critical pathway
  3. Develop and design M&E framework/system for governance program.
  4. Develop concise understanding of M&E concepts, principles, processes and framework for 
  5. Develop insight in the different stages of the evaluation process and tools/ methodologies that are most appropriate in different types of evaluations.
  6. Get basic knowledge and tips on how to use PM&E tools for enhancing the capacities of decentralization at local and national levels and for boosting accountability systems at municipal levels.
  7. Identify and develop governance performance indicators
  8. Understand how the log frame approach promotes evidence based on policy making

Course Content

  • Building necessary statistical and analytical capacities
  • Developing governance performance frameworks/M&E system
  • Development Interventions
  • Evaluating governance program
  • Focus on some interesting practices and recent trends  
  • Governance, Leadership & Public Value
  • Introduction to M&E for governance programs
  • Log frame Analysis
  • M&E approaches and tools for governance programs
  • Managing Monitoring and Evaluation Practice
  • Monitoring Systems
  • Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Public Finance and Performance Budgeting
  • Reporting and communicating M&E results
  • Setting performance indicators
  • Support for harmonized approaches and national M&E systems
  • Specific challenges encountered in monitoring and evaluating support to decentralization and local governance
  • The importance of strategic alliances and harmonized approaches
  • Theory of Change and Critical pathway


The instructor led trainings are delivered using a blended learning approach and comprises of presentations, guided sessions of practical exercise, web-based tutorials and group work. Our facilitators are seasoned industry experts with years of experience, working as professional and trainers in these fields.

Key Notes

  1. The participant must be conversant with English.
  2. Upon completion of training the participant will be issued with an Authorized Training Certificate
  3. Course duration is flexible, and the contents can be modified to fit any number of days.
  4. The course fee includes facilitation training materials, 2 coffee breaks, buffet lunch and a Certificate upon successful completion of Training.
  5. One-year post-training support Consultation and Coaching provided after the course.
  6. Payment should be made at least a week before commencing of the training, to Datastat Consultancy Ltd account, as indicated in the invoice so as to enable us prepare better for you.
Nairobi, Kenya Sep 02 - 06 Sep, 2024
USD 1,000.00
(Convert Currency)

Sammy Gathuru 0724527104

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