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Process Plant Start-up and Commissioning

By: EuroMaTech Training and Management Consultancy


06 - 10 Oct, 2024  5 days

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USD 5,950

Venue: Cairo - Egypt

Start Up and Commissioning of new plant and equipment presents both a major technical and management challenge. With this in mind, this Process Plant Start-up and Commissioning training course addresses the technical issues of commissioning and starting up various equipment and asset types commonly found in processing plant environments, process and facility wide commissioning strategies as well as the management issues.

This EuroMatech training course addresses in an integrated manner the key activities involved in the safe, effective and timely commissioning and start-up of a new plant or facility. In this programme you will learn about:

  • The six key stages of the commissioning process
  • How to balance the technical and management challenges of commissioning
  • How to deal with machinery and equipment specific commissioning issues
  • How to Manage Risks and solve the types of problems likely to occur during commissioning


The objectives of this EuroMaTech training course are to provide participants with an awareness of the unique challenges associated with plant start-up and commissioning situations, an understanding of the key concepts, tools and techniques that can be used to facilitate the effective planning, execution, control and management of these situations.

Participants completing this Process Plant Start-up and Commissioning training course should be able to contribute confidently to the planning and execution of effective strategies for plant commissioning and start-up in their own specific work and process plant situations.

Objectives include building knowledge and understanding of:

  • The six key stages of the commissioning process
  • How to develop and overall commissioning and plant start-up strategy
  • How to deal with machinery and equipment specific commissioning issues
  • How to manage issues dealing with the commissioning of Electrical, Instrumentation and Utilities Systems
  • How to develop an overall commissioning management plan, resource plan and budget
  • How to apply troubleshooting and problem solving strategies to address issues commonly arising during start up and commissioning
  • How to manage risks associated with commissioning
Cairo - Egypt Oct 06 - 10 Oct, 2024
USD 5,950.00
(Convert Currency)

Hisham Kokash 0097144571800


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