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Fundraising Strategies

By: Cynet East Africa Consultancy


16 - 20 Sep, 2024  5 days

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USD 1,050

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Venue: Nairobi

Other Dates

Venue Date Fee  
Nairobi, Kenya 03 - 07 Jun, 2024 USD1050
Nairobi, Kenya 10 - 14 Jun, 2024 USD1050
Mombasa, Kenya 21 - 25 Oct, 2024 USD1050
Mombasa, Kenya 02 - 06 Dec, 2024 USD1050

Fundraising is an extremely significant initiative undertaken to help sponsor a cause of goodwill or charity and help balance the quality of life and distribution of wealth within a nation. Fundraising is a mode and means to raise funds or other resources. It is also indicated as the efforts and activities undertaken to garner the interests of potential investors. Fundraising has several sources, such as grants from agencies, foundations and corporations; individuals and through sales and services. Funds are raised through different innovative and suitable channels such as special events, focused campaigns, relationship building and networking events, professional fundraisers, etc. This course will help participants master the art of effective aid coordination and fundraising.


•Develop the skills, experience, exposure, and confidence to take on critical roles in aid coordination and fundraising, demonstrating potential for rapid career progression and development
•Build competency, capability, and confidence for aiding organizational and national development, including support for the underprivileged, through effective aid coordination and fundraising
•Gain essential exposure to lead or independently organize events and activities to raise funds for charitable purposes from donor organizations and other forums

Module 1 – Setting the stage for Fundraising

•Preparing your organization for fundraising by defining your organization’s vision, mission and core values
•Developing strategic and Fundraising Plans
•Setting Fundraising SMART Objectives
•Identifying your stakeholders and how to involve them

Module 2 – Methods of Fundraising

•Special events
•Donor relationship and cultivation
•Capital and comprehensive campaigns
•Accountable fundraising
•Professional fundraising
•Online fundraising

Module 3 – Sources of Fundraising

•Grants from agencies, foundations and corporations
•Individual donors
•Sales and Marketing

Module 4 – Communicating with your Donor

•Timely response to inquiries and complaints
•Publishing annual reports
•Updating paperwork
•Expressing gratitude
•Connecting donors to beneficiaries

Module 5 – Writing winning Grants Application

•Grants Preparation and Planning
•Developing Goals, and Objectives
•Finalizing and Submitting Grants Application

Module 6 – Best Practices of Fundraising

•Using credible, cost-effective fundraising methods
•Being accountable
•Appealing to donors and giving them reasons to support your cause

Module 7– Deterrents to Fundraising

•Lack of patience
•Insufficient planning
•Poor communication
•Poor networking
•Lack of appeal/credibility
•Lack of long-term planning
Upon successful completion of the training, participants will be awarded Cynet East Africa Consultancy certificate.
Training will be facilitated by Cynet East Africa Consultancy seasoned trainers.
Nairobi Sep 16 - 20 Sep, 2024
Nairobi, Kenya 03 - 07 Jun, 2024
Nairobi, Kenya 10 - 14 Jun, 2024
Mombasa, Kenya 21 - 25 Oct, 2024
Mombasa, Kenya 02 - 06 Dec, 2024

Registration: 09:00:am - 04:00:am

USD 1,050.00
USD 1,050.00
USD 1,050.00
USD 1,050.00
(Convert Currency)

Janet Cherono/Nancy Kemunto +254 792 972525/+254 204401089

Early Bird Registrations Receive 10% Discount
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