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Contract Drafting, Bidding, Evaluation, Negotiation & Award

By: Rekrut Consulting Limited

Lagos State, Nigeria

30 - 31 Jan, 2024  2 day

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NGN 100,000

Venue: 26, Michael Adekoya Street, Behind bank Ilupeju Lagos

The "Contract Drafting, Bidding, Evaluation, Negotiation & Award" course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the end-to-end procurement process, from drafting effective contracts to successfully awarding contracts through competitive bidding. Over two days, participants will delve into the intricacies of contract management, bid evaluation, negotiation strategies, and the awarding of contracts, empowering them to navigate the complexities of the procurement lifecycle.


  1. According to a survey by IACCM, ineffective contract management can cost an organization up to 9.2% of its annual revenue.
  2. The World Bank emphasizes the importance of transparent and competitive bidding processes for attracting high-quality suppliers and achieving cost savings.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the key principles of contract drafting, bidding, evaluation, negotiation, and award.
  • Develop effective strategies for drafting clear and enforceable contracts.
  • Acquire skills to conduct fair and transparent bid evaluations.
  • Enhance negotiation skills for successful contract agreements.
  • Implement best practices in the awarding of contracts to optimize supplier relationships.

Benefits of Attending:

For Participants:

  • Acquire a comprehensive understanding of the end-to-end procurement process.
  • Develop practical skills in drafting contracts, bid evaluation, and negotiation.
  • Enhance career prospects by mastering critical aspects of procurement.

For Organizations:

  • Improve efficiency in the procurement process, reducing risks and legal issues.
  • Foster a culture of fairness, transparency, and accountability in contract management.
  • Strengthen supplier relationships through effective negotiation and awarding practices.

Course Outlines:

Day 1: Module 1 - Contract Drafting Principles

  • Introduction to Contract Drafting: Understanding the importance of well-drafted contracts.
  • Essential Elements of a Contract: Identifying and incorporating key components.
  • Legal Considerations in Contract Drafting: Ensuring contracts are legally sound.
  • Drafting Clear and Enforceable Terms: Strategies for clarity and precision in contract language.

Day 1: Module 2 - Bidding Process and Evaluation

  • Overview of the Bidding Process: Understanding the stages and requirements.
  • Prequalification and Eligibility Criteria: Establishing criteria for bidder selection.
  • Bid Evaluation Methods: Utilizing objective criteria for fair and transparent evaluations.
  • Legal and Ethical Considerations in Bidding: Ensuring compliance with regulations and ethical standards.

Day 2: Module 3 - Negotiation Strategies

  • Introduction to Negotiation in Procurement: Understanding the role of negotiation.
  • Effective Communication in Negotiation: Building rapport and fostering understanding.
  • Negotiation Techniques and Tactics: Developing skills for successful negotiation outcomes.
  • Resolving Conflicts in Negotiation: Strategies for handling disputes and challenges.

Day 2: Module 4 - Contract Award and Post-Award Management

  • Awarding Contracts: Criteria for selecting the winning bidder.
  • Contract Signing and Execution: Ensuring a smooth transition from negotiation to execution.
  • Contract Management Best Practices: Monitoring performance and addressing issues during the contract lifecycle.
  • Post-Award Evaluation and Continuous Improvement: Assessing and improving the procurement process for future success.


26, Michael Adekoya Street, Behind bank Ilupeju Lagos Jan 30 - 31 Jan, 2024

Registration: 09:00:am - 09:55:am

Class Session: 10:00:am - 03:00:am

NGN 100,000.00(This covers training materials and certificate of attendance)
(Convert Currency)

Leke Oshiyemi 08033071649

Early Bird: 5% Discount. 5-10 Participants (5% discount). 11 or more participants. (10% discount). This covers Course materials and Certificate of attendance.
Available on Request
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