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Learning and Development Tools and Techniques

By: Rekrut Consulting Limited

Lagos State, Nigeria

13 - 14 Aug, 2024  2 day

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NGN 100,000

Venue: 26,Michael Adekoya street, Behind Heritage Bank, Ilupeju Lagos

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Venue Date Fee  
26,Michael Adekoya street, Behind Heritage Bank, Ilupeju Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria 09 - 10 Oct, 2024 NGN100000
26,Michael Adekoya street, Behind Heritage Bank, Ilupeju Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria 14 - 15 Nov, 2024 NGN100000

The "Learning and Development Tools and Techniques" course is a dynamic two-day program crafted for learning and development professionals, HR practitioners, and organizational leaders aiming to enhance their skills in designing, implementing, and evaluating effective learning initiatives. Participants will explore the latest tools, techniques, and best practices to optimize employee development, foster a culture of continuous learning, and drive organizational success.


A report by LinkedIn found that 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career development. Additionally, the Association for Talent Development (ATD) states that organizations with a strong learning culture have a 30-50% higher retention rate.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the importance of learning and development in organizational success.
  • Explore tools and techniques for designing effective learning programs.
  • Develop skills in implementing various learning methodologies.
  • Enhance the ability to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of learning initiatives.
  • Create a roadmap for fostering a culture of continuous learning within the organization.

Benefits of Attending:

For Participants:

  • Enhanced knowledge of learning and development trends and practices.
  • Improved skills in designing and delivering effective learning programs.
  • Increased ability to adapt learning initiatives to diverse learner needs.
  • Networking opportunities with industry experts and peers.

For Organizations:

  • Improved employee performance, productivity, and engagement.
  • Enhanced organizational agility and adaptability.
  • Increased talent retention and attraction.
  • Alignment of learning initiatives with organizational goals.

Course Outlines:

Day 1: Designing Effective Learning Programs

Module 1: Importance of Learning and Development

  • Impact of Learning on Employee Engagement and Retention
  • Linking Learning Initiatives to Organizational Success
  • Trends and Innovations in Learning and Development
  • Legal and Ethical Considerations in Training

Module 2: Tools and Techniques for Learning Design

  • Needs Assessment and Learning Objectives
  • Designing Engaging Learning Materials
  • Incorporating Technology in Learning Design
  • Case Studies on Effective Learning Design

Day 2: Implementing and Evaluating Learning Initiatives

Module 3: Diverse Learning Methodologies

  • Blended Learning Approaches
  • Experiential Learning Techniques
  • Microlearning and Bite-Sized Training
  • Gamification in Learning

Module 4: Evaluation and Continuous Improvement

  • Kirkpatrick's Model of Training Evaluation
  • Measuring Learning Impact and ROI
  • Continuous Feedback and Improvement Strategies
  • Workshop: Developing a Learning and Development Roadmap

Participants will leave this course equipped with the tools, techniques, and insights to design, implement, and evaluate impactful learning initiatives that contribute to employee development and overall organizational success.

Course Title: Workforce Planning and Organization Workshop

Course Overview:

The "Workforce Planning and Organization Workshop" is a strategic two-day program designed for HR professionals, senior leaders, and decision-makers tasked with aligning their workforce with organizational goals. This workshop provides participants with the tools, methodologies, and best practices necessary for effective workforce planning, ensuring organizations have the right talent in the right place at the right time to meet future business needs.


According to a survey by PwC, 63% of CEOs are concerned about the availability of key skills in their workforce. Additionally, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reports that organizations with effective workforce planning are 20% more likely to outperform their peers.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the critical role of workforce planning in organizational success.
  • Develop skills in analyzing current and future workforce needs.
  • Explore methodologies for talent acquisition, development, and retention.
  • Enhance strategic decision-making for organizational growth and sustainability.
  • Develop a comprehensive workforce planning strategy for their organization.

Benefits of Attending:

For Participants:

  • Enhanced knowledge and skills in workforce planning and organization.
  • Improved strategic thinking and decision-making abilities.
  • Increased ability to align workforce strategies with business objectives.
  • Networking opportunities with industry experts and peers.

For Organizations:

  • Improved talent acquisition, development, and retention strategies.
  • Enhanced organizational agility and adaptability.
  • Increased efficiency and effectiveness in workforce deployment.
  • Improved overall organizational performance and competitiveness.

Course Outlines:

Day 1: Foundations of Workforce Planning

Module 1: Introduction to Workforce Planning

  • Defining Workforce Planning and Its Importance
  • Historical Perspectives on Workforce Planning
  • Linking Workforce Planning to Organizational Strategy
  • Legal and Ethical Considerations in Workforce Planning

Module 2: Analyzing Current Workforce and Future Needs

  • Workforce Data Analytics
  • Identifying Critical Skills and Competencies
  • Scenario Planning for Future Workforce Needs
  • Case Studies on Successful Workforce Planning

Day 2: Implementing Effective Workforce Strategies

Module 3: Talent Acquisition and Development*

  • Strategic Recruitment Strategies
  • Developing a Talent Pipeline
  • Succession Planning and Leadership Development
  • Diversity and Inclusion in Workforce Strategies

Module 4: Strategic Decision-Making for Organizational Growth*

  • Aligning Workforce Strategies with Business Goals
  • Mergers, Acquisitions, and Restructuring
  • Change Management in Workforce Planning
  • Workshop: Developing a Comprehensive Workforce Planning Strategy

Participants will leave this workshop equipped with the knowledge and skills to develop and implement effective workforce planning strategies, ensuring their organizations are prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the future.

26,Michael Adekoya street, Behind Heritage Bank, Ilupeju Lagos Aug 13 - 14 Aug, 2024
26,Michael Adekoya street, Behind Heritage Bank, Ilupeju Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria 09 - 10 Oct, 2024
26,Michael Adekoya street, Behind Heritage Bank, Ilupeju Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria 14 - 15 Nov, 2024

Registration: 10:00:am - 03:00:am

NGN 100,000.00(This covers course material and certificate of attendance)
(Convert Currency)

Leke Oshiyemi 08033071649

Early Bird: 5% Discount. 5-10 Participants (5% discount). 11 or more participants. (10% discount). This covers Course materials and Certificate of attendance.
Available on Request
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