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Training on Resource Mobilization and Proposal Writing

By: Devimpact Institute


12 - 16 Aug, 2024  5 days

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USD 950

Venue: Nairobi

Other Dates

Venue Date Fee  
Nairobi, Kenya 09 - 13 Sep, 2024 USD950
Nairobi, Kenya 21 - 25 Oct, 2024 USD950
Nairobi, Kenya 04 - 08 Nov, 2024 USD950
Nairobi, Kenya 02 - 06 Dec, 2024 USD950

The ability of development partners to implement their project interventions is dependent on their access to donor funding. Access to these funds requires submission of proposals for consideration by the potential donors. Project results should be effectively communicated and shared through good reports.

For sustainable and effective implementation of project interventions, it is essential that organizations have the capacity to design, write and deliver high quality project proposals and reports.  This course aims to equip participants with skills in writing and presenting effective and successful proposals.

Target Participants

This course is aimed at managers, program/project coordinators and other project staff whose roles involve developing proposals for fundraising and report writing for their organization.

What you will learn

By the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Understand different ways of resource mobilization.
  • Understand the principles of project development and proposal writing.
  • Organize the different components of a proposal in a logical flow.
  • Write an effective proposal according to donor’s requirements and guidelines.
  • Use of M&E frameworks in project design when developing a proposal
  • Write good quality reports tailored to a target audience.

Course Duration

Online    7 Days

Classroom-based    5 Days

Course Outline

Introduction to Resource Mobilization

  • Resource mobilization principles and practices
  • Resource mobilization approaches
  • Resource mobilization cycle
  • Searching for funding opportunities
  • Current funding environment for non-profit organizations
  • Strategic planning and resource mobilization

Resource Mobilization Strategy

  • Conducting a resource mobilization situation analysis
  • Determining resource requirements and funding gaps
  • Identifying sources of resources-donor and partner assessment and mapping
  • Determining resource mobilization strategies
  • Developing a resource mobilization action plan
  • Enhancing donor partnerships and managing donor relations
  • Putting together a resource mobilization strategy

Introduction to Proposal Writing

  • Proposal writing in resource mobilization.
  • Understanding donors’ requirements
  • Donor proposal formats and guidelines
  • Project development and proposal writing
  • Concept note, proposal, and pitch deck
  • Components of a funding proposal

Writing a Proposal: Introduction/background

  • Context of the project
  • Situation analysis
  • Target beneficiaries

Writing a Proposal: Problem statement

  • Description of the specific problem
  • Target group affected by the problem.
  • Needs of the target group
  • Consequences of the problem on the target group
  • Use of cause-and-effect approach

Writing a Proposal: Project Justification/Rationale

  • Descriptions of how the proposed project will solve the problem stated.
  • Explanation of why the project is required.
  • Explanation of how the project relates with other interventions.
  • Alignment of the project with the countries and donor’s priority areas

Writing a Proposal: Project Design

  • Project theory of change
  • Design of project results using causal pathway
  • Project Activities; outputs and activities matrix
  • Design of the logical framework
  • Performance measurement framework

Writing a Proposal: Implementation Strategies

  • Sub-tasks in activities
  • Activities implementation approaches
  • The 4 Ws in activity implementation

Writing a Proposal: Project Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Monitoring plan
  • Evaluation plan

Writing a Proposal: Risk Management

  • Risk Matrix
  • Risk Response plan

Writing a Proposal: Project Management

  • Project organogram
  • Project Coordination
  • Partners responsibilities

Writing a Proposal: Cross Cutting Issues in Proposal Writing

  • Gender Mainstreaming
  • Governance
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Human Rights

Writing a Proposal: Work Plan

  • Activity durations
  • Predecessor successor relationships
  • Developing a Gantt chart

Writing a Proposal: Organization Capacity 

  • Organization profile
  • Organization Capacity
  • Relevant experience

Writing a Proposal: Budget Development

  • Detailed budget
  • Cost Sharing
  • Summary budget

Submitting the Proposal

  • Funding agency forms
  • Packaging, politicking, and refunding.
  • Submission, traditional and online
  • Tips for final checks

Proposal Review

  • Proposal review criteria
  • Proposal review process
  • Grant agreement

Proposal and Report writing best practices.

  • Common mistakes during proposal writing
  • Tips for successful proposal writing
  • Case studies of successful proposals

Training Approach

This course is delivered by our seasoned trainers who have vast experience as expert professionals in the respective fields of practice. The course is taught through a mix of practical activities, theory, group works and case studies.

Training manuals and additional reference materials are provided to the participants.


Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be issued with a certificate.

Tailor-Made Course

We can also do this as a tailor-made course to meet organization-wide needs.

Nairobi Aug 12 - 16 Aug, 2024
Nairobi, Kenya 09 - 13 Sep, 2024
Nairobi, Kenya 21 - 25 Oct, 2024
Nairobi, Kenya 04 - 08 Nov, 2024
Nairobi, Kenya 02 - 06 Dec, 2024

Registration: 08:30:am - 04:00:am

USD 950.00 + 47.50 (VAT)(Classroom-based)
USD 600.00 + 30.00 (VAT)(Online)
(Convert Currency)

Devimpact Institute +254714349537

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