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Budgeting, Forecasting, Cost Control and Monitoring Training

By: Capacity for Africa

Lagos State, Nigeria

11 - 15 Nov, 2024  5 days

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NGN 305,000

Venue: Lagos, Abuja, Online, E-Learning

The purpose of the course is to provide the opportunity for participants to take an overview of budgeting, forecasting and planning process; learn the practical methods for preparing budgets; gain an appreciation of the uses of budgets; and indicate and explain the importance of budgetary control in public and private sectors organizations.

For Whom: Budget and Planning Officers, Accountants, Finance and Admin Managers, Internal Auditors, Divisional, Branch and Departmental Managers, and other Management Executives participating in Budgeting, Forecasting, Planning, Budgetary Control and Monitoring in the Public and Private Sectors.


Lagos, Abuja, Online, E-Learning Nov 11 - 15 Nov, 2024

Registration: 10:00:am - 04:00:am

NGN 305,000.00 + 15,250.00 (VAT)
USD 1,200.00 + 60.00 (VAT)
(Convert Currency)

Dr Gosim Martin, Director of Program +2348034963464

10% discount for 2 or more participants from the same organization
Capacity for Africa Faculty
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