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Service Skills for Housekeepers Training

By: Newways Consulting

Lagos State, Nigeria

18 - 21 Mar, 2025  4 days

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NGN 205,000

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Venue: Lagos

Other Dates

Venue Date Fee  
Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria 17 - 20 Jun, 2025 NGN205000
Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria 09 - 12 Sep, 2025 NGN205000
Lagos , Lagos State, Nigeria 09 - 12 Dec, 2025 NGN205000

Housekeepers are often hidden behind the scenes and not leveraged as they could be in the customer service process. This interactive program focuses specifically on the action’s housekeepers can take to influence guest perceptions. The course covers the people skills that can make a difference, how people form opinions, the value of service goals and consistency, appearance, attitudes, and actions that influence opinion, and the importance of working together as a cohesive unit.

Program Objectives

At this program’s conclusion, participants should be able to:

  • Explain their role in the guest-satisfaction or patient-satisfaction process.
  • Identify service goals.
  • Spot service breakdowns.
  • Describe what a checklist can and can’t do.
  • Find opportunities to provide expected and unexpected service.
  • Professionally interact with customers and co-workers.

The following outline highlights some of the course’s key learning points. As part of your training program, we will modify content as needed to meet your business objectives. Upon request, we will provide you with a copy of the participant materials prior to the session(s).

Workshop Outline

What an Impression: How People Form Opinions

This session kicks off with an exercise around first impressions and how people form opinions about service and service providers. During this workshop segment, participants will discover how appearance influences what customers think about a service experience.

Can You Feel It? Knowing the Goal

During the next part of the course, we will explore feelings customers can have about an overnight stay in a hospital, hotel, or other facility. Working through an exercise, the group will identify four or five core targets. Next, we’ll talk about the actions people in a housekeeping role can move people closer to the desired goals.

Consistency Counts: Nailing Down Processes

Our next workshop segment focuses on consistency and the importance of getting it “right” each time. Working in teams, participants will create a guide for an imaginary new hire. The guide will include cleaning procedures, expected behaviour toward guests, patients, co-workers, and others with whom they interact. Following that activity, we’ll talk about standards a checklist can and can’t address.

What’s Wrong with This Picture? Identifying Opportunities

In this part of the seminar, we’ll playroom detective. During this exercise, participants will examine pictures of rooms that are flawed in one way or another. Next, they will identify the actions they would take to correct the problems they’ve identified. Then, they’ll determine the extra steps they could take to go the extra mile.

Making Connections: Interactions with Patients, Guests, and Other Customers

This next part of the workshop builds on the previous exercise. Working together, participants will evaluate another series of photos and determine what needs to be cleaned and how to appropriately build rapport with the people in the room. Following that discussion, we will roleplay a variety of situations. We’ll close out this part of the program with a look at techniques for handling customer complaints and other challenges.

Managing Perceptions: Advertising Clean

Not every hospital or hotel is new, but every facility should be as clean as it can be. This part of the course focuses on actions, words, and phrases housekeeping staff members can use to communicate “clean,” no matter how new or old a facility may be.

What a Stay: Final Exam

This course ends with a team-building exercise. Working in groups, participants will create a commercial for their workplace. They will highlight what’s great about their service and the benefits customers will enjoy when staying at their facility.

By the end of this customer service workshop for housekeepers, participants should understand how they influence guest or patient experience and the actions they can take to improve guest or patient satisfaction.

Who should attend?

House Keepers, Chef Managers, Accountants, Auditors, Supervisors, Stores Managers and others who perform related functions.

Training Methodology

The training methodology combines lectures, discussions, group exercises and illustrations. Participants will gain both theoretical and practical knowledge of the topics. The emphasis is on the practical application of the topics and as a result participant will go back to the workplace with both the ability and the confidence to apply the techniques learned to their duties.

Lagos Mar 18 - 21 Mar, 2025
Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria 17 - 20 Jun, 2025
Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria 09 - 12 Sep, 2025
Lagos , Lagos State, Nigeria 09 - 12 Dec, 2025
NGN 205,000.00(The program fees covers tuition, Course Materials, Tea/Coffee Break, Lunch, Bag, Certificate of participation and administration)
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Dr Chris Egbu +2348023194131

Organizations sponsoring two staff will get 10% discount, Three - Five will get 15% discount, Six - Ten will get 20% discount and Payment before two weeks to event date attracts 5% discount. You can also consider the option of having this training in-house or online at 40% discount and 5 free e-books
Newways Faculty

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