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Corruption in Infrastructure Projects Online and Classroom Course

By: TSI Limited

Ogun State, Nigeria

06 - 08 Aug, 2025  3 days

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NGN 250,000

Venue: 4, Akinpelu Street, Lagos - Ibadan Express Road, Behind ENYO Petrol, Ibafo Bus stop, Ibafo, Ogun State. Online and Class room

It is now widely accepted that proper safety systems should be implemented on projects to reduce the risk of injury. A similar systematic approach should be adopted in relation to corruption.  To minimize the risk of corruption on projects, public and private sector project owners should ensure that project anti-corruption systems are implemented on their projects which impact on all project phases and on all major project participants. 

At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify bribery, extortion, fraud, deception, collusion, cartels, abuse of power, embezzlement, trading in influence and money laundering;
  • Demonstrate such skills to tackle these criminal offences in most jurisdictions; 
  • Apply the methods to minimize the risk of corruption on projects and its impact on major projects stakeholders.

Course Outline:

The training would cover the following subjects

  • The types of corruption (e.g. bribery, fraud, cartels)
  • The reasons why corruption should be avoided
  • The applicable laws and penalties for corruption offences in both the organization's home jurisdiction and in the jurisdictions where it conducts business
  • The organization’s anti-corruption program;
  • The organization’s policy on donations, gifts, hospitality
  • The organization's policy on facilitation payments
  • Detailed examples of the type of conduct which would constitute a breach of the law and/or the organization’s anti-corruption code
  • Guidance on “red flags” which would warn the employee about likely corrupt conduct
  • Guidance on what to do when confronted with corruption
  • The organization’s reporting procedures for employees
  • The organization's investigatory and disciplinary procedures.

Course Booking

Please use the “book now” or “inquire” buttons on this page to either book your space or make further enquiries.

4, Akinpelu Street, Lagos - Ibadan Express Road, Behind ENYO Petrol, Ibafo Bus stop, Ibafo, Ogun State. Online and Class room Aug 06 - 08 Aug, 2025
NGN 250,000.00
(Convert Currency)

Prof. Richard Mayungbe +1-646-202-8832, 08033467639, 08023019508

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