Nigerian Seminars and Trainings

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Articles nigerian seminars and training

QAHE Partners with Sapattuu Bilim, the Accreditation Agency of Kyrgyz Republic, Strengthening Commitment to Quality Education

QAHE is delighted to announce the successful exchange of a Certificate of Partnership with Sapattuu Bilim, the Agency for Accreditation of Educational Organizations and Programs in the Kyrgyz Republic. This partnership marks a significant milestone in promoting and upholding rigorous quality st [Read more]
Posted: 4 months ago
Articles nigerian seminars and training

Understanding and Maximizing the Opportunities in TETFUND Sponsored Academic Conferences

Every year, the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND) budgets large sums of money to sponsor academic and non-academic staff of Nigeria’s Tertiary Institutions to attend academic conferences under the Academic Staff Training and Development (AST&D) initiative introduced by the board of t [Read more]
Posted: 8 months ago
Articles nigerian seminars and training

McTimothy Associates to Unveil a Fresh and Innovative Brand Identity

McTimothy Associates Consulting LLC (McTimothy Associates), a distinguished and prominent Management Consulting and Business Training firm, is excited to announce the forthcoming unveiling of its new brand identity. This rebranding initiative is a significant milestone in the company's ongoing c [Read more]
Posted: 9 months ago

NST Weekly Digest - Improving Performance Management in Your Organization

Performance management is an important tool used in organizations to ensure that employees are meeting their targets and improving over time. In this week’s edition of the NST Weekly Digest, we explored ways to improve performance management in your organization. We discussed performance impro [Read more]
Posted: A year ago
Articles nigerian seminars and training

NST Weekly Digest – Maximizing Your Professional Development Opportunities

As Kyle Chandler said, “Opportunity does not knock; it presents itself when you beat down the door”. This week, we accompany you as you “beat down” doors blocking you from making the most of your professional development opportunities. In this week’s edition of NST Week [Read more]
Posted: A year ago
Articles nigerian seminars and training

NST Weekly Digest – Cultivating a Growth Mindset

“Man is made or unmade by himself; in the armoury of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself; he also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace”. With these thoughts from James Allen on our minds, we set out in [Read more]
Posted: A year ago
Articles nigerian seminars and training

NST Weekly Digest – Career Development

What better way can we start a discussion on Career Development than with this quote from James Bryant Conant that says, “Behold the turtle: He only makes progress when he sticks his neck out.” To advance in your career, there are things you MUST DO! This week’s edition of NST Week [Read more]
Posted: A year ago
Articles nigerian seminars and training

NST Weekly Digest - Financial Planning

What does financial planning mean to you? Is it something you just talk about and do nothing on or is it something you commit to? Financial planning is a process that requires tenacity and commitment. According to Will Robinson, “Financial fitness is not a pipe dream or a state of mind it&rsqu [Read more]
Posted: A year ago
Articles nigerian seminars and training

NST Weekly Digest - Personal Effectiveness

What an exciting week! The inauguration of a new government in Nigeria, celebrating another successful transition of power from one civilian administration to another, the beginning of a brand-new month! Both events signify a call to action, a call for individuals and companies alike to reposition t [Read more]
Posted: A year ago
Articles nigerian seminars and training

NST Weekly Digest – Decision-Making

  The ability to make smart, well-informed decisions is one of the most important skills any individual can possess. As Lisa Wingate once said, "The hardest thing about the road not taken is that you never know where it might have led." Through the week, we explored various is [Read more]
Posted: A year ago
Articles nigerian seminars and training

NST Weekly Digest –Delegation

As General George S. Patton once said, "Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results." Through the week, we explored various issues around delegation. Our Monday motivation highlighted two ways we can delegate, which are - to tim [Read more]
Posted: A year ago
Articles nigerian seminars and training

NST Weekly Digest - Leadership

As Robin S. Sharma once said, "Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It's about impact, influence, and inspiration. In appreciation of the impact of leadership on an individual’s career and in the running of an organization, we have spent the last few days examin [Read more]
Posted: A year ago
Articles nigerian seminars and training

NST Weekly Digest – Investing in Yourself

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." This quote from Benjamin Franklin emphasizes the importance of investing in oneself, particularly in terms of education and personal development. In our posts during the week, we explored the benefits of investing in yourself, highlighti [Read more]
Posted: A year ago
Articles nigerian seminars and training

NST Weekly Digest – Operations Management

Operations management has evolved into a multidisciplinary function that is crucial for the success of modern businesses. Its primary objective is to ensure that resources such as materials and labor, among others, are utilized in the most efficient manner possible to maximize output. The effecti [Read more]
Posted: A year ago
Articles nigerian seminars and training

NST Weekly Digest - Maximizing Opportunities

We all want to maximize opportunities - in life, in business, in our careers, and, in fact, in every conceivable area. The sad news, as our realities indicate, is that not all of us have what it takes to do so. To maximize opportunities on a consistent basis, an individual must possess certain skill [Read more]
Posted: A year ago
Articles nigerian seminars and training

NST Weekly Digest – Stepping into Management

Welcome to this week's edition of NST Weekly Digest. This week, we focused on management with the theme - Stepping into Management – A Guide into the Amazing World of Management. Our objective is to provide the new entrant into management some basic guides to help them adjust quickly and s [Read more]
Posted: 2 years ago
Articles nigerian seminars and training

NST Weekly Digest – Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

Welcome to this week’s edition of NST Weekly Digest. This week, we focused on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) as a crucial element in successful project management. We looked at issues such as bridging the gap between data collection and decision-making, balancing quality and timeline [Read more]
Posted: 2 years ago
Articles nigerian seminars and training

NST Weekly Digest – Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Welcome to this week’s edition of NST Weekly Digest. In this edition, we looked at Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), its relevance, impact, and contributions to a company’s success in the marketplace, and in the society at large. As consumers become more conscious of the impact [Read more]
Posted: 2 years ago
Articles nigerian seminars and training

NST Weekly Digest - Teamwork

Hi! Welcome to this week’s edition of NST Weekly Digest. The theme of the week is Teamwork. According to Hellen Keller, “teamwork is a driving force for success and innovation in any organization”. Teamwork can exert immense power and impact on a company culture and productivity. B [Read more]
Posted: 2 years ago
Articles nigerian seminars and training

NST Weekly Digest - Project Management

We welcome you to another edition of NST Weekly Digest. The theme for this week is “Project Management”. Thus, we covered a variety of issues related to project management like time management, human resources, and material resources. We discussed the importance of risk management as a k [Read more]
Posted: 2 years ago

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